사용자 삽입 이미지

MoonLight Engine v1148.17


Settings for UCE
General Settings:
[x]Show Undo Button
[x]Show Advanced Options
[x]Update the list of found address even after scanning
[x]Center DualEngine when bringing to front

Scan Settings:
[x]Enable Hyperscan when possible
[x]MEM_PRIVATE:Memory that is private.
[x]MEM_IMAGE:Memory that is mapped into the view of an image section.
[x]Run Scan in seperate thread

Flie Association:
[x].CT (Standard Cheat Table)

Code Finder:
[x]Use Debug Registers
[x]Try to Prevent detection of Debugger

[x]Show disassembler
[x]Show debugger options
[x]Use hardware breakpoints
[x]Replace incomplete opcodes with nops
[x]Ask for Replace with nop
[x]Try to prevent detection of Debugger

[x]Read/Write Process Memory
[x]Use Kernalmode debugger options when possible.
[x]Stealth Mode (Kernalmode)


'Rev. Engineering > Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

[실행압축확인] PEiD v0.94  (0) 2008.03.29
Cheetah Downloader 1.2.2  (0) 2008.03.27
[Tool] Ultimate Crackers Kit v3.2  (0) 2008.03.25
[Debugging] DE Decompiler Lite v2.0  (0) 2008.03.17
Import REConstructor 1.7a.b.c Final  (0) 2008.03.17

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