Armageddon v1.2g - Armadillo unpacking tool

March 2008 - v1.2g [gabor edition]
+ add warning message for OEP call return VA not from Armadillo VM
Note: Informational, not usually relevant for dll's or exe's with copymem2,
but may be useful for troubleshooting invalid OEP's resulting
from custom implementations and/or packing / compressing of a file
prior to being protected by Armadillo
+ fix problem with copymem2 search string error
+ fix problem with createdump on error

March 2008 - v1.2
+ improved PE section name resolution for internal use (thank's Ghandi)
+ improved ARTeam Import Reconstructor v1.1

February 2008 - v1.1
+ added dll support (dll loader.exe)
+ added option "Use OpenMutext trick" to force a single process. Use only if normal "debug blocker" processing fails. This would occur when a parent process launches the child process, but doesn't debug the child process (i.e. use the WaitForDebugEvent API)
+ improve IAT elimination functionality
+ includes updated ARTeam Import Reconstructor


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